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Depression looks different for everyone. You might experience sadness, negative intrusive thoughts or just not finding any joy in life. You might find yourself isolating from your friends and family. Depression makes it hard to feel motivation or the drive that you need to do things you are used to doing to no fault of your own. Sometimes we use other means to escape from feeling bad, but the escape or the brave face only lasts for so long before more things seem out of control. There is hope; it is possible to make a 180.



Some anxiety can be normal; however, when it interferes with your quality of life it is time to take some steps toward managing it. Anxiety can lead to worrying about things outside of your control and it is hard to wrap your head around your first step to move forward when anxious feelings are standing in your way. Anxiety can cause you to feel irritable and muscle pain from tension; it even makes it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep with constant consideration of what we have to do tomorrow.



The inability to focus or pay attention can present some significant challenges at any stage of life. School, work and social life can all be impacted which if untreated can result in added mental health challenges. ADHD has many different approaches to treatment. Some ways to combat this include both prescription medications, over-the-counter supports and lifestyle changes and we can help guide you through. 



Many individuals struggle with some form of bipolar disorder. This can look like seasons of feeling depressed, seasons of feeling more elevated and even seasons that present with a combination of the categorical emotions. Coming to terms with this diagnosis can be challenging for some, but at the same time the diagnosis can lead to the proper treatment which can bring you back to your “normal.” Most may be used to getting antidepressants which may only make your symptoms worse or cause new symptoms to present. The important part of a diagnosis is to get medications that will give you back your quality of life without changing who you are.


We don’t get to decide what cards life deals us and sometimes that means experiencing trauma. Trauma can take many forms from sexual trauma to medical trauma or even trauma associated with the loss of a loved one. Some individuals can even develop PTSD after witnessing someone else's traumatic event. These experiences can result in significant challenges that interfere with quality of life including nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety, challenges with sleep and mood changes. Medication along with trauma specific therapies can help you take back your life.



Symptoms of schizophrenia like hallucinations, delusions and paranoia can feel isolating and scary to both the individual suffering and their family. The prognosis can feel overwhelming, but with appropriate medication management it is possible to live a life of happiness, independence and productivity. 

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